Sunday 30 June 2013

Title's are hard to think of

Yeah the title means nothing but I need to put one and I have no idea what to call this post other than 'post about nothing important' 'post on nothing really' or 'a post'
For future reference, I'll put one of those or what I have when I'm stuck for a post title, kay?
But ANYWAY the reason I'm posting this is to fill you in a little.
    Tomorrow, Monday the 1st of July, is Naminé's birthday so yeah, posting will be basically none. I'm extremely sorry and give anyone who looks at the blog all my love and hugs as an apology.
    But also, Tessie just read TFIOS and  some other book I can't remember that were emotionally draining so she's done nothing all day and can't really function (yes, TFIOS will do that to you. Even I couldn't do anything for a while and I'm me)
    I wasn't home all day because I went to watch a Gaelic game  (Irish sport, kinda huge here. It's half my life and in my blood because of my parents/brother/family. Basically, I'll stop anything to watch/support/play it) and since I was in Croke Park and out since like 11.30 a.m. this morning, I came home, slept then woke up to write this. I was babysitting yesterday too(ick staying out till three w/o internet but YAY money!)

So, that explains why people aren't posting today{ or lately really}(again, I'm so sorry!!)
Yeah, I really need to sleep. And become normal. And write reviews more. But only one of those is physically possible at a time sadly.

I will try to post a review either tomorrow night or on Tuesday but I can't say for sure that I will

Later my angels, I'll be back soon!

Friday 28 June 2013

T, T & Gr

So all that stands for Twitter, Tumblr and Goodreads
This is just a post for people to find us on other social media sites

Twitter link is: Here

Tumblr link is: Here

Goodreads link is: Here

So that's it for this post, you can find us there (or at our personal things)

News News News

So Tessie has no internet(CRY!) and Namié is working(ick.) so posting will be limited for a while. Very sorry, we'll all try to hep each other out. But don't be too angry if there's no new post everyday.
~Ari can post, but is busy for a the next few days, but she will try to post as much as possible.

Thursday 27 June 2013

The Fault In Our Stars

So this is just a basic review of TFIOS because I started to reread it today and my heart shattered again. There might some little spoilers but nothing to give away the ending or anything.

Title: The Fault In Our Stars

Author: John Green

Link to Goodreads page: Here

Synopsis: Despite the tumor-shrinking medical miracle that has bought her a few years, Hazel has never been anything but terminal, her final chapter inscribed upon diagnosis. But when a gorgeous plot twist named Augustus Waters suddenly appears at Cancer Kid Support Group, Hazel's story is about to be completely rewritten

Book Cover: 

So this is book about a girl with cancer(but NOT  a cancer book), and the tests that everyday life (for a teenager with cancer) causes her. It's not a sci-fi fantasy book, or is it full of gore, or all the mushy-romantic stuff. It's just a book, about a girl living in our own world. 
The book is written in first person, with Hazel as the person. We see everything through her eyes and perspective. At the beginning, I didn't actually like Hazel, she seemed a bit too 'the world is evil and I don't want to take part in it or help anyone else'. But, in chapter two or so, I was as madly in love as a straight girl can be with a fictional straight girl with Hazel.(understand?)
We meet Augustus Waters very soon (which I love) and we see the two interact (so no admiring-from-a-distance [thank god]). As the story unfolds, we see the how Hazel reacts to the simple idea of liking someone other than her parents and the few people she considers friends.
The magicality of the story is amazing. It's set up and written with language that we would use ourselves. The characters are so life-like and realistic, that we can't help but think 'these could be real. Like these people could be alive', even though we know it's a fiction story.
As the two fall for each other and begin to express their love, BAM! PLOT TWIST THAT WILL KILL YOUR SOUL
It's a great book, a total must-read, but have tissues ready, they will most likely be needed.

So that's a long-but-basic review that i hope you find a little helpful. Sorry if it's terrible, gimme a chance please!

For now my angels,


Hey Guys :)

It's me again (:

I was gonna do a review on Angel by L.A. Weatherly but then I remembered Namine saying something about illegal websites and legal links and stuff like that. Stuff I have NO CLUE ABOUT!

Plus I just saw the new German trailer for city of Bones.. Holy cow.. that.. there are no words.. Jaces face when Clary hugged Simon.. </3 He can hug me ;) He can do more than hug me ;)

I have to go now. Food is giving me a call and I intend to answer it :)
Keep safe. Keep Healthy.
Good-bye for now my little minions :D

Wednesday 26 June 2013



It's Tessie(Tessa) here!! I am SO excited that the blog is FINALLY up! Ehhh... I don't know what to say :/

  • I'm the mushy romantic in the group.
  • I'm 15 in August.
  • I'm a girl.
  • I cry,A LOT,at books.. 
  • I like: 
  1. Will Herondale
  2. Alex Kylar from Angel by L.A Weatherly (A MUST READ)
  3. Aiden St. Delphi
  4. His Brother Deacon St. Delphi
  5. Disney Movies
  6. Dimitri Belikov (Vampire Academy ANOTHER MUST READ)
  7. I have a passion for Winnie the Pooh :3 I just love that bear!!
  8. Hitting Naminé.. >:)
  9. TUMBLR :D 
I'm really sorry guys but I won't be able to post as much as the other two but I 'll do my best :3

Stay kind to each other,

News News News

Just a small note to say that ~Ari and Naminé will most likely post a real review later today 
And that Tessie will be here tomorrow postung while Naminé works and ~Ari deals with a social life (it's very stressful)
Things will start to be normal and interesting soon so there'll be reason to read every word that's written

Later my angels,

Tuesday 25 June 2013


Hi random people whom I do not know,

I am Naminé. Weird name, yes, I know. I chose that name for this blog and kinda as my internet handle. My Goodreads is Clíodhna and is here. My Tumblr is thank-namine-nerdvana and is here. Feel free to add me or feel free to not. I quite honestly have no idea what to write here except that Ari told me to write something so she wasn't the only one posting. I guess I'll tell you a little bit about all of us.

  • There are three of us. Ari, Naminé (me) and Tessa.
  • We are all Irish.
  • We're all girls.
  • I'm sixteen in less than week, Ari is fifteen and Tessa is fifteen in about a month.
  • I get a lot of my books from the local library, I even have a favourite seat. It might as well have my name on it. Ari and Tessa have recently gotten into the library as well and now they take out nearly as many books as me! 
  • We all read a lot of the same books but we each have a certain taste. I like more sci-fi and fantasy while Ari likes more violence and horror and Tessa likes more slushy, romantic stuff.
Here's a few things you'll need to know about me before you read any of my reviews:

  • I fangirl a lot, like several exclamation points per word.
  • I don't dislike books often, I'm an easy-going reviewer and like most books. If I don't think I'll like the book, I find something else to read so I am likely going to give most books a high rating. So don't blame me if I like something and you don't.
  • I am a feminist but not to complete extremes so I like badass girls in books.
  • I don't like condescension. If an author or a book condescends, it will find a place on my review hit list.
  • I'm bi so in terms of romance in books and liking characters, I will be commenting on both girls and guys.
  • I like to include gifs, pictures, quotes and videos in my reviews for emphasis.

That's about it, I'm sorry this is so long, I'm a little nervous. I hope you all (if there's any of you out there) don't think I'm all serious and stuff, I'm actually a complete idiot :P 

Thank Naminé

P.S.: I start a job/work experience on Thursday (the 27th) so I will have to leave you guys in the capable hands of my partners in just about everything, including crime, for most of that period of  work. 

P.P.S.: Also feel free to ask me anything in the comments or in my ask on Tumblr or in my comments on Tumblr. :)


So I seem to be the only one who's posted yet and I feel a tad weird about that. I kinda wanted someone else to post a real review on a book before I did but 'the world is not a wish granting factory'

I seriously don't know how to start this off or anything what-so-ever. GAH! What do I say? How do I say it? I'm really scared about writing a review..
I think I'll wait for someone else to write the first review
But I will name some books that I've read that everyone should read.

  • The Fault In Our Stars
  • The Mortal Instruments
  • Hush, Hush series
  • The Covenant series (by Jennifer L. Armentrout)
  • Vampire Academy 
  • His Dark Materials (by Philip Pullman)
  • The Morganville series
  • Angel (by L.A. Weatherly)
  • The Study series (by Maria V. Snyder)
  • Will Grayson, Will Grayson
That's it for now; but seriously go read all of the above.

For now, my angels...

Monday 24 June 2013


Ick the fonts are horrible..
Hello people! I'm Ari..

Well this is just a basic post about me really!

  • I LOVE angels for some unknown reason
  • I'm Irish through and through
  • I think Cassie Clare's books are amazing
  • I read some random things
  • I love dangerous stuff
  • I'm an adrenaline junkie
  • I will say anything nearly (so never take offence please)

So that's it really. You can go check out my Tumblr and my ask there is always open if you ever want to chat or find out anything

I shall leave it there my angels,




So, yeah.. Hey people of the blog world. This is the awesomest book blog run by three Irish teenagers that's around.
There's Ari, the insane
There's Naminé, the genius 
And Tessa (or Tessie), the mushy romantic

See? Best of everything on here
So this is just starting, and will get so much better!
Please come back and if you like, check out our Twitter or Tumblr pages!

Love you all who've bothered to read this