Title: Throne of Glass
Author: Sarah J. Maas
Goodreads: That is moi
Blurb: (There was three, so this is the one from the link above but the linkHeRe and Here! has the others. There might be more, I'm sorry I'm not bothered checking)
In the dark, filthy salt mines of Endovier, an eighteen-year-old girl is serving a life sentence. She is a trained assassin, the best of her kind, but she made a fatal mistake: she got caught.
Young Captain Westfall offers her a deal: her freedom in return for one huge sacrifice. Celaena must represent the prince in a to-the-death tournament—fighting the most gifted thieves and assassins in the land. Live or die, Celaena will be free. Win or lose, she is about to discover her true destiny. But will her assassin’s heart be melted?
Book Cover: (the version I had)
Celaena is the main character and, even if a bit of a bitch sometimes (which is expected{come on she was a slave and the back story! GAH!}), she's an amazing protagonist. She's stubborn and is a real person, with faults, confusing emotions and one hell of a back story. Everything that happened to her in her past, that happened during the book, you can feel yourself wishing to take all of it away, even when you want to punch her for being an idiot. Dorian and Chaol are the next main characters, and wow. Both have faults, bad(stupid) ideas and sometimes talk crap. But they're awesome.
The plot to the story draws you in, and you can't help but stay up 'til 4 am reading it just to see what happens. Well, that happen to me anyway. I couldn't help but fall in love with the way the story was/is told. Everything just worked well.
The story is told in third-person narration, sticking to Celaena for the majority of the story, but we get glimpses of Chaol, Dorian and even Kaltain. I can't remember if anyone else is used but they're the main characters, so it doesn't really matter anyway.
Kaltain is one of those 'Ladies' or something and she gets on my nerves. She just can't leave happy people alone! Gah I can't stand her. She's such an annoying, deceitful, manipulative person who thinks too highly of herself. These aren't really spoilers, it's my opinion from my first encounter with her that just escalated throughout the novel, but if you think them as spoilers, sorry didn't mean to do that!
Duke Perrington and Cain are being put in the same category. Evil, horrible and just plain icky. Yes all that was needed. I never liked them, and you won't too (I think anyway. Unless you like that type of people..?) Though are different yet the same, I couldn't help but have conflicted ideas about them. Perrington is horrible, but it's not all his fault. He is trying to forward himself in more ways than one. Cain grew up being from the place I can't name so he's gonna be evil.
Chaol is... Chaol. He's perfect. He's arrogant(in a way) and so nice at the same time. You can tell when he cares about something and he's protective and funny. I don't even know how to talk about him without my heart breaking because of feels. He's brave and willing to do things even if he shouldn't. He can take Celaena, Dorian and anyone. Basically, I love him. And I hope he gets with Celaena.
Dorian. I actually don't know how to describe him. I can't decide if I like him or not. He's sweet but cold, and he kinda annoys me. Like yeah, woo he's a prince, and blah, but there's just something I can't actually like about him. But I like when he's happy and don't want him to be hurting at the same time. I know, I make little sense. But I think there's something bubbling in there.. Maybe some tragic event, or great show of bravery? I hope so.
Finally, Celaena is one amazing badass. No other words for her. She's brave, tough and can see the bigger picture when making horrible decisions. I love her, and the fact she's blonde. Yes, a badass assassin is a girl with long blonde hair, who is pretty and wears dresses. SUCK IT. I think that's another reason why I love this book so much; the main character is a woman who usually would be expected to be a 'lady' and act all shy, flirty, and get a husband and listen to men but she's like 'shut up you're an idiot. Leave this to me, you couldn't do shit.' and I love her for it! Like, she shows her emotions, tries to overcome them and grows so much. Basically, Celaena is the best protagonist I've read in a while.
The next book is called Crown of Midnight and that's the Goodreads page for it. I can't wait for it because there's something brewing and it'll be the best thing to happen because it'll be filled with excitement and ahhh.
Yeah I can't write reviews, I suck at it. I suck at explaining things to people. Soo... Yeah.. Later my angels
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