Tuesday, 6 May 2014

We have good reasons

NaminĂ© and I are entering a science competition (not together but the same one) so we've been hella busy for the past few weeks. Like no-lunch-times-and-all-free-time-spent-on-this-one-thing busy. 

Science is hard and this competition wasn't easy. But everything is finished and we only have tomorrow left and then WE ARE DONE WITH IT. 
Personally, I can't wait. I'll be sad 'cause it's actually a lot of fun but stress levels were way too high.

ANYWAY, books. I'm currently reading Game of Thrones (as in I'm like 100 pages in but I've been busy) and I really love it. It is a little hard to read but I was expecting worse the way people were going on about it. So I think, if they're the kind of books you're into, you should read it. It isn't for everyone and there is sexual content and mature themes. The show is a good depiction of the book.

Basically not for the young or people who don't like these certain mature themes. (They can be triggering and that isn't something that be skimmed over. They do contain sexual assault and violence)

But good books. I like it and I love the TV show so I kinda knew what to expect. 

As I read, I'll try to keep you updated!

Later angels,

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